Swami Udit Chaitnya ji, who delivered his discourses in Aiyappa temple on Wednesday and Thursday, has also delivered his discourses at various places in India and abroad as well. His explanation of Bhagvatham helps people to lead a successful life. He believes that the success of life is hidden within an individual.
A person can decide to be happy or disappointed by his own deeds. Explaining the secret of success to life Swami Ji quotes examples from Geeta. Shraddha Desai from The Hitavada talked to Swami Ji regarding the factors influencing him to speak over the subject and his upcoming visits to different countries:
Here are some excerpts from an interview:
Q) Which are the places you have visited until now for delivering your discourses?
Ans. I have travelled in both India and Abroad. In India almost all the cities like Bhopal, Kolkata, Delhi, Bombay, Chennai and almost all metropolitan cities. In abroad like America, Toronto, Canada, U.k and then I would be going to African countries and event the Gulf countries.
Q) In foreign countries you might be delivering your discourses in English and in India it is Malayalam but why not in Hindi?
Ans. At present I am focusing in Malayalam because first of all we have to start from where we belong and since I belong to Kerala therefore I want that first the malayalee people should be elevated. Once they are elevated I would proceed further in the second stage of transmission.
Q) In your disclosures you have mentioned regarding Body, mind and intellectual of a person? What is the theme behind the subject?
Ans. Since my childhood until now, I have been extremely fortunate to be surrounded by good people and my association with those people has led me in the direction to think and transform an individual’s mind. In our education system the intellectual development has been given much importance. The mind is powerful than the intellectual as the mind contains all the emotions. Recently, in the news we heard that a teacher from Kolkata beat a child so this was mainly due to the mental imbalance.
Q) What according to you is the way to control over an individual’s anger?
Ans. For this the person himself has to realize that why he or she gets anger. When a person expects something and does not acquires what he or she wants then the person becomes emotionally corrupted and therefore the imbalanced mind expresses the anger immediately. So what is required to do is that instead of getting angry over the situation a person must try to avoid the creation of negative energies in the surroundings. A person must remember that by getting angry he or she creates enemy and losing friends. So, one must not be angry.
Q) What are your futures plans regarding your discourses?
Ans. Well, not from the point of delivering discourse but my future plan is to change myself so that we can change others and this will lead to changing the whole world. When I first change myself to a positive person then we can change the country as well.
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